Jackall Co-Conspirator
by admin on Jan.20, 2010, under New Information, News, Updates
The book by Professor Robert Jackall “The Wild Cowboys” was originally published in 1997. He updated the book October of 2005. He has become a co-conspirator with those keeping Manuel Lugo in prison.
In his updated version, he states that Manuel Lugo admitted to setting up these murders and that the wrong witnesses are why he’s in jail. If this was the case, there would be no Lugo Support Committee. Mr. Lugo had nothing to do with ordering these murders (as charged) or setting up these murders as Jackall states in his book. We challenge Mr. Jackall, the Bronx DA and/or detectives to bring forward this so called “admission.” Mr. Jackalls timing (book update) and his words are an obvious attempt by those with power to sway Manuel Lugos supporters. Not to mention that book was updated while Mr. Lugo had motions pending in court. They throw one road block after another. What does that tell us?
February 2nd, 2010 on 2:22 AM
They killed my sister and they will pay for it. They also killed her man.
February 2nd, 2010 on 2:24 AM
They kill my sister and they will pay for it.
February 2nd, 2010 on 2:25 AM
They killed her and my brother in law